domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2011
Medicating the Spirit
The lines that follow, are not intended to make an attack on the work of psychiatrists who are the only professional and technically trained to work and prescribe psychotropic medications called. Long before that, denouncing the abusive practices of general practitioners in possession of prescription "blue" practice of indiscriminate and excessive use of controlled medications to a supposed benefit of their patients, at best. The worst thing would be for personal use. What we call the medicalization (see my other text
Medical The SPIRIT.
It was in 1950 that the psychotropic transfigured the landscape of "madness". As noted before in previous periods, emptied the asylums, retired the straitjacket and the shock treatments (although it should remember that this practice is still used in Rio Grande do Sul), known as ECT, electro shock therapy. Although there is no cure mental illness, fabricated another type of subject. Subject that is often polished, no humor, no passions, "a normopata 'if not an addict calls licit.
This axis and disastrous forked several ways: As stated Roudinesco (2002) "(...) prescribed by both general practitioners and specialists in psychopathology, psychotropic medications has the effect of normalizing behaviors and eliminate the most painful symptoms of psychological distress, without they seek meaning (...)"
The Psychotropic drugs are classified into three groups:
- The psycholeptics;
- The pscyhoanaleptics and psychodysleptics;
In the first group are the hypnotic drugs, which treat sleep disorders, as well as anxiolytics and tranquilizers, which eliminate signs of distress, anxiety, some phobias (briefly). We still have neuroleptics (or antipsychotics), these drugs specific for psychosis, and all forms of chronic or acute delirium. In the second group "meet" antidepressants, stimulants, and hallucinogenic drugs in the third and regulators of humor.
However, the strength of belief in the power of his potions, Psychopharmacology eventually lose its prestige, or part thereof. It closed in subjects other disposition trying to cure them of their own human essence of his condition humana.Sendo so through their illusions engendered a new irrationalism. It then opens a new paradox: what was the remedy now is poison, as Renato Russo would say in one of his songs: "My poppy in India, my flower of Thailand, are what I have to soft, and make me so evil "
It is not surprising that today the excesses of psychopharmacology are being denounced precisely by those who had praised. Today his claim that the propositions of the mind called remedies are used more rationally and responsibly and coordination with other forms of treatment: psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. John Delay main French representative of biological psychiatry in 1956 said "We should remember that, in psychiatry, drugs are never more than a moment from the treatment of mental illness and that treatment is still the basic psychotherapy"
FDA Studies show that in 2007, eighty percent of Americans used only suicide antidepressants. You said. More statistical data also are presented in May 2007 by the Federal University of Brasilia and cooperation with the Ministry of Health, their research showed that 60% of the dependents of anxiolytics are health professionals, especially doctors and nurses with work concentrated in hospitals.
Thus we emphasize that the drug itself is not opposed to treatment by speech. Psychoanalysis, says Roudinesco (2000) states that psychoanalysis everywhere reigns supreme, but everywhere, for mistakes is placed in competition with psychopharmacology. France and Brazil are now the countries that consume more antidepressants. If psychoanalysis today is put in competition with psychopharmacology, is also because the patients themselves, subjected to the barbarism of biopolitics, have demanded that their symptoms have an organic causation. As a result, between psychotropic antidepressants are prescribed without the most I can say that depressive states have increased. The problem is only now feeds and medicine responds to the paradigm of depression. As if any change in mood, per patient was reported to a gynecologist depression. Any state of sadness, depression is not necessarily. Remember the human being is only happy if you know sad. This is their condition. If the threshold are dropped or downloaded, and their desire for freedom is extinguished it seems to happen with the doctors who prescribe tranquilizers and antidepressants indiscriminately. Research from the Journal Le Monde le état d'urgence medicines in. Boire toute l'angoise des patiets "shows that many French clinicians, especially those caring for an emergency, are not better off than his patients. Imagine a survey like this in Brazil.
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