domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2011

would be a soul thing?

this is situation, this socio-historical context, not surprising that psychoanalysis is gradually disrupted by the technicalities speech claiming it is ineffective. Inefficiency?
Fraçoise Giroud said "The analysis is difficult and makes you suffer. But when the picture it has to be yes it is collapsing under the weight of repressed words, the conduct mandatory appearances to be saved when the image one has of oneself becomes unbearable, the remedy is that I keep an infinite gratitude for Lacan (..) no longer feel ashamed of yourself is the realization of liberdade.Isso is what a successful psychoanalysis or well conducted teaches you ask for help. "
But why psychoanalysis would raise as much opprobrium?
Psychoanalysis seems to be further attacked today by having conquered the world through the uniqueness of a subjective experience that places the unconscious, death and sexuality at the core of the human soul.
I believe that the meaning of this disrepute is to be found wrong in the recent transformation of the types of thought developed by psychiatry dynamic, in which lies two centuries ago, the seizure of the status of insanity and mental illness in Western societies.
For clarity, it is called dynamic psychiatry the set of currents and schools which associate a description of diseases of the soul (mad) nerves (neurosis), mood (melancholy) to a psychological treatment dynamic in nature, rather, an act that makes transference relationship between doctor and patient. Coming from medicine, psychiatry focuses on the dynamics psychogenesis (mental causation) in relation to organogenesis (organic causation), yet without excluding the latter, relying on four major models to explain the human psyche: a model of psychiatry born nosographic allowing both a universal classification of diseases and a universal classification of diseases and a definition in terms of standard clinical pathology and a therapeutic model inherited from the ancient healers who deemed the therapeutic efficacy of a power of suggestion.
However, given the momentum of psychopharmacology, psychiatry model nosographic abandoned in favor of a classification of behaviors. Reduced to a psychotherapy technique of suppression of symptoms. We recognize the value of empirical and atheoretical emergency treatment. The product always meets, whatever the duration of the revenue, a situation of crisis, a symptomatic state. Whether it's anxiety, agitation, anxiety or a simple melancholy. We must first deal with the invisible trace of his illness and then delete it. The procedures used as single drug therapy and speech phallic "recipes" to guide the patient a more confrontational position and consequently depressed. In place of the passions, normopatia: instead of desire, lack, rather than the subject, nothing, anywhere in history, the story ends. "The modern health professional - psychologist, nurse, psychiatrist or doctor does not have time to deal with the long duration of the psyche, that in liberal society depressing time is counted.

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